MTG Deck of the Week: Abzan Constrictor

In the first of a new series where we'll be sharing some of our favourite decks each week, I'm getting us started with my take on the established B/G Constrictor build with a little splash of white.

Winding Constrictor decks are definitely my kind of decks. Since I started playing Magic I was always drawn to green decks that either go big, go wide or even better; both.

Since its release in Aether Revolt I would say 85% of my competitive standard play has been with some form of Constrictor build. Of which one of the most successful variants being my Sultai build which put Herald of Secret Streams to good use. Oh you want to block my big dudes, well ya can't!

I took a break from the Snake for a little while but with the release of Dominaria I decided to return to it with an Abzan build.

Key cards

There's nothing much to say about the B/G side of constrictor builds that hasn't already been said.

The deck runs 4 copies of the namesake snake. 4 Walking Ballista are obligatory as well as 2 Verdurous Gearhulk topping the curve. The other staple for this deck is 3 copies of Rishkar, Peema Renegade.

My own twist and reason for the addition of white comes in the form of Shalai, Voice of Plenty. This card provides main deck air presence as well as granting Hexproof to the rest of your board. At 4GG it's not too unrealistic to activate her ability, especially with the ramp provided by Rishkar. An activation with or without Winding Constrictor in play is pretty sweet.

No matter what your deck, card draw is always beneficial for both card advantage and "deck thinning" to help ensure you get the cards you need into your hand. Here that comes from 4 each of Glint-Sleeve Siphoner and Jadelight Ranger, as well as 2 cycle lands in the form of Scattered Groves.

There is an argument that x/1 creatures such as Glint-Sleeve Siphoner are best avoided in a world where Goblin Chainwhirler exists. Even Jadelight Ranger is vulnerable to the red menace if it only hits land. However I argue that the potential benefit from these cards outweighs the potential downside of a Chainwhirler blowout.

I also tend to side out the Siphoners in the Red or R/B matchups as you don't want to be hurting your own life total when up against aggro decks that will come out swinging. In their place I bring in Deathgorge Scavenger and Ravenous Chupacabra as well as the extra copy of Fatal Push.

Removal is also a must and something I am happy to admit I am heavy-handed with. 8 of the 11 non-creature spells in the deck are removal. The deck only runs 1 Vraska's Contempt with White allowing me to run 2 Cast Out which I personally believe is a better card, being able to hit any nonland permanent and can be cycled when not needed. The removal suite is then completed with 3 Fatal Push (of course) and 2 Seal Away. Plus we also have Ifnir Deadlands as that little bit extra.

Blossoming Defense works as both protection for your creatures as well as a superb combat trick. I've lost count of the number of times I've won games thanks to my opponent's careless blocking choices and Blossoming Defense providing the extra reach needed for lethal. It keeps Shalai safe from removal and therefore the rest of your board as well.


I've tried to keep the sideboard simple not too disruptive of the decks synergy. Deathgorge Scavenger and Ravenous Chupacabra are there for the aggro and midrange/mirror matchups. Duress, Lifecrafter's Bestiary and Nissa, Vital Force come in for the control matchups, although I'm less likely to bring Nissa in against control decks with black, as the animated lands die too easily to Fatal Push.

Abzan Constrictor


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